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i360 Predictive Model Definitions

1. Political Affinity

  • Low Score Answer: Democratic candidate
  • High Score Answer: Republican candidate

2. Voting Propensity

  • Low Score Answer: Does not vote often
  • High Score Answer: Votes often

3. Presidential Approval

  • Description: Approval of current President
  • Low Score Answer: Approve
  • High Score Answer: Disapprove

4. Trump Favorability

  • Low Score Answer: Unfavorable
  • High Score Answer: Favorable

5. Tax and Spend

  • Low Score Answer: More government services, even if that means higher taxes
  • High Score Answer: Fewer government services in order to reduce taxes

6. Parental K12 Involvement

  • Low Score Answer:
    • Teachers and education professionals are the most knowledgeable and best equipped to decide what should be taught in the classroom. If parents object to teachers’ lesson plans, they are free to enroll their student in private school or to homeschool them.
  • High Score Answer:
    • Parents should be able to be directly involved in their students’ K12 public school education. Teachers should keep parents informed about what will be taught in the classroom and parents should be able to opt their children out of particular lessons or request alternative instruction.

7. Donor

  • Low Score Answer: [did not select]
  • High Score Answer: Donated money to a political candidate, political party, or other political cause

8. Life

  • Low Score Answer: Abortion is legal under any circumstance
  • High Score Answer: Abortion is legal in no circumstances

9. Presidential Ballot

  • Low Score Answer: Joe Biden
  • High Score Answer: Donald Trump

10. Crime

  • Description:
    • Score for every individual in the country on a 0 to 100 scale, with 100 being most likely to believe policing in this country is not tough enough and 0 being most likely to believe it’s too tough.
  • Low Score Answer: Policing is too tough
  • High Score Answer: Policing is not tough enough

11. ABEV Preference

  • Low Score Answer: Voting in person on election day
  • High Score Answer: Voting by mail OR In person before the election

12. Healthcare

  • Low Score Answer: Prefers a government-run healthcare system
  • High Score Answer: Prefers a system based mostly on private health insurance

13. Border Concern

  • Description:
    • Score for every individual in the country on a 0 to 100 scale, with 100 being most likely to believe the current situation on the U.S. border with Mexico is a crisis and 0 being most likely to believe it’s not a problem.
  • Low Score Answer: Current border situation is not a problem
  • High Score Answer: Current border situation is a crisis

14. Gun Control

  • Low Score Answer: Supports Gun Control
  • High Score Answer: Opposes Gun Control

15. Free Trade

  • Low Score Answer: Bad thing
  • High Score Answer: Good thing

16. Right to Work

  • Low Score Answer:
    • Right-to-work laws are bad policy, because they limit the ability of labor unions to raise money and recruit members
  • High Score Answer:
    • Right-to-work laws are good policy, because they state that an employee cannot be forced to join or pay dues to a union as a condition of their employment

17. Climate Change

  • Low Score Answer:
    • The federal government should invest in transitioning the country from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy – even though such investments would likely cost trillions of dollars.
  • High Score Answer:
    • The government should not spend trillions of dollars on investments in renewable energy. Clean energy will become more popular on its own as the technology develops and the price decreases.

18. Capitalism

  • Low Score Answer: Prefer to live in a socialist country
  • High Score Answer: Prefer to live in a capitalist country

19. School Choice

  • Description:
    • Supporters of school choice say that parents should be able to use the tax dollars marked for their child’s education to educate their child as they see fit. Opponents of school choice say that it diverts money away from public schools and public school teachers.
  • Low Score Answer: Oppose
  • High Score Answer: Support

20. Immigration Level

  • Description:
    • Score for every individual in the country on a 0 to 100 scale, with 100 being most likely to believe we risk losing our identity as a nation if America is too open to people from all over the world and 0 being most likely to believe America’s openness to people from all over the world is essential to who we are as a nation.
  • Low Score Answer:
    • America’s openness to people from all over the world is essential to who we are as a nation
  • High Score Answer:
    • If America is too open to people from all over the world, we risk losing our identity as a nation

21. Energy

  • Low Score Answer:
    • The government’s number one priority should be to protect the environment even if that could mean risks to jobs and economic growth
  • High Score Answer:
    • The government’s number one priority should be jobs and economic growth, even if that could mean risks to the environment

22. Foreign Intervention

  • Description:
    • Score for every individual in the country on a 0 to 100 scale, with 100 being most likely to believe government leaders should pay less attention to problems overseas and concentrate on problems here at home and 0 being most likely to believe it’s best for the future of our country to be active in world affairs.
  • Low Score Answer:
    • It’s best for the future of our country to be active in world affairs
  • High Score Answer:
    • We should pay less attention to problems overseas and concentrate on problems here at home

23. Cord Cutter

  • Description:
    • How do you watch television these days?
  • Low Score Answer:
    • 01) A cable or satellite subscription02) A digital antenna
  • High Score Answer:
    • 03) A streaming live television service (YouTube TV, Sling, Philo, FuboTV, Hulu + Live TV, DIRECTV Stream, etc.)04) A streaming non-live service (Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, HBO Max, Disney+, Peacock, Apple TV+, Paramount+, etc.)

24. Activist

  • Description:
    • Score for every individual in the country on a 0 to 100 scale, with 100 being most likely to be politically active as a volunteer, protester, or petitioner and 0 being most likely to avoid those activities.
  • Low Score Answer:
    • [did not select]
  • High Score Answer:
    • 01) Volunteered for a political candidate, political party, or other political cause

      02) Been employed by a political candidate, political party, political organization, or elected official

      03) Written a letter to the editor, editorial, or other opinion piece

      04) Signed an online petition

      05) Participated in a political protest, rally, or march

      06) Talked to friends, family, or neighbors about political issues

      07) Run for elected office

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